Volunteers Joining – Recruitment & Training

It’s only right that adults working with children and young people in scouting are resourced to do it in the best possible way.

Through our recruitment process we make sure that potential volunteers know what they are getting in for, are suitable for the role and know what training is available.

The way that volunteers start their activities in The Scouts Association has recently had a thorough and helpful overhaul. So we’ve removed the previous process from this page. We’ll update any particurlarly useful info specific to recruitment an training in to the 167th Westbury Baptist Scout Group in due course, but in the mean time, see the guidance from the national website …

Do you want to join us in helping young people develop skills for life?
(and have lots of fun while you do it!)

Please get in touch with the Beaver/Cubs/Scouts Team Leader or the Group Lead Volunteer.