InTouch System for Cub Activities, including Camps
InTouch is the name given to the thinking, planning and sharing of systems for communication between leaders, parents and members (cubs)
Routine, non-urgent contact between Pack Night or Camp and parents
- This will be using the leaders’ mobile phones and parents’ contact details.
- Contact details will be held with each leader (on OSM or paper)
- Parents will be given David and Rory’s mobile numbers in the Event Information on OSM
Cub use of phones
- Use of mobile phones, tablets etc. is strongly discouraged during cub activities. Cubs are asked not to bring them.
- There is no planned need for communication to / from parents during activities/camps
- If Cubs are upset and request to contact home, we will make that facility available
Emergency Contact
- For Residential events, parents will be given the name and number of a Home Contact for emergency use in the Event Information on OSM
- If leaders need to contact one or more parents in an emergency and the leaders’ attention is required on site – they will phone Home Contact and ask them to help
- If plans change and all parents need to be contacted urgently – this will be done through OSM and/or Home Contact
- Home Contact will have all cub participants parental contact details, as well as those of all event leaders, the district commissioner, and the Purple Card with details of HQ
- A copy of The Purple Card will also be taken to camp along with District Commissioner’s details