Category: Beavers

Beavers visit Bristol North West Foodbank

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The Beavers had the opportunity to learn about what the Bristol North West Foodbank do and how they support people in need in the local community, they also had a look around, helped to create some food packages and ask questions.

Great Group Grow Sunflower Fundraiser launched

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All the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts in the group have been given the opportunity to have a sunflower growing pack of 13 seeds, pots and compost. They will plant them up and grow them on for a few weeks. Then they will choose 1 sunflower to plant at home – their competition plant. The rest they will sell as a fundraiser for our Scout Group. For the sunflowers that they grow at home, we will award prizes to a child in each section for tallest plant and widest diameter head.

Let the growing commence!