It was fun while it lasted … By 167thcubs on November 7, 2020 (updated November 28, 2024) In Cubs / 0 comments We’re in to a second period of national lockdown now – so the face to face scouting we have enjoyed over the autumn was fun while it lasted! Here’s a little review of what the 167th Cubs got up to: Conker Night and Chief Scout’s Silver Award GSL Phil put created a group risk assessment that enabled us to get back to face to face scouting – thanks Phil! So this was our first night back. Our cubs did amazingly well at following the new Covid Code guidelines, issued by The Scout Association, that we are following. We scavenged for conkers, played a game of Chukit in a Bucket (basically – whichever team gets the most conkers in the bucket wins!) and awarded loads of the badges earned during lockdown. A proud moment for two cubs receiving their Chief Scout’s Silver Award. First Face to Face back! Rounducks in Canford Next up we had a couple of sessions of a cross between Rounders and Puddocks in Canford Park. Lots of running around. Lots of sanitising hands and equipment. Lots of fun! HMS Christmas Card Avon County Scouts are encouraging cubs across the region to make Christmas Cards to be given to the crew of HMS Prince of Wales aircraft carrier – which has an affiliation with Bristol. As you can see – we’re well on the way: Campfire at Stiles Finally we manage to get out to Stiles Campsite for a Cub Campfire on the last Monday before Lockdown 2. Great fun was had creating yogurt pot communicators, sitting around the campfire and chanting “There ain’t no bugs on us” at each other – oh and a hot chocolate too! We also managed to invest a cub who joined the pack at the very beginning of lockdown and has already earned seven badges! So – we’ll be back to online scouting for a while. From March to August, we awarded 90 badges to cubs who had learned skills and worked hard over the lockdown and summer months! Let’s keep it up.